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OpLove: Roger's Homecoming

On Saturday night, I photographed Roger's homecoming at the Atlanta airport. I first photographed his wife Samantha and their son Anthony to send to Roger as a surprise, and I was so happy to now have been able to photograph his return and reunion with his wife and son. Anthony was just six months old the last time Roger saw him, and now he is walking and running around!


Anthony had the cutest little shirt on. It said "My daddy is my hero."

Operation: Love ReUnited is a non profit program that offers free photography sessions for deploying, deployed, and returning military families. If you wish to participate in a Pre-Deployment, Deployment or Homecoming/Reunion Session, please go to to locate a photographer in your area or email me at to schedule a session with me.

The photographs and other content of this publication do not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.

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