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OpLove: Adam's Homecoming

On Thursday morning, I photographed Adam's homecoming at the Atlanta airport. It was a very special day because Adam met his 5 month old son Jackson for the first time, and I am so glad I was there to capture it!

Here's little Jackson, waiting to meet his dad:

Love this shot of Adam with his wife Janelle and their son:

Operation: Love ReUnited is a non profit program that offers free photography sessions for deploying, deployed, and returning military families. If you wish to participate in a Pre-Deployment, Deployment or Homecoming/Reunion Session, please go to to locate a photographer in your area or email me at to schedule a session with me.

The photographs and other content of this publication do not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.

1 comment:

Van said...

Such a beautiful family!! I am so glad you are together again. Welcome Home, Hero :)

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