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OpLove: Brian's Homecoming

Yesterday, I photographed Brian's homecoming at Robins Air Force Base. All of the previous homecomings I have photographed up until now have taken place at the airport, so this was a different experience with lots of families all waiting together for their loved ones to arrive. Brian has an adorable two and a half year old daughter, and this was the was the first deployment that she was old enough to realize that her dad was gone. We had fun hanging out while we waited on Brian to arrive. She was so excited to see her dad and happy to have him back home with her!

Here they are waiting with the other families:

Operation: Love ReUnited is a non profit program that offers free photography sessions for deploying, deployed, and returning military families. If you wish to participate in a Pre-Deployment, Deployment or Homecoming/Reunion Session, please go to to locate a photographer in your area or email me at to schedule a session with me.

The photographs and other content of this publication do not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.

1 comment:

Auntie Karen said...

Thank you so much for these beautiful and touching photographs of my nephew, the hero. I love you Brian!

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